Tuesday, October 24, 2006

and a quote ...
"The most important educational need of the child is to feel himself worthy of love and a worthy dispenser of love. If infants learn what love is, they can go through life with sanity and happiness."
Herbert Ratner, M.D.
I really should pay more attention on MAKING time to get on here to post. I am having one of THOSE schooly weeks...where I really need to take a step back and away from the kidlets. I worry so much about them. I believe so strongly in unschooling , but I must say that the schooly things are still in my head. Tyler yesterday was curled under the table petting the cat..I sanpped at him and told him to go do something. Why did I do that? He was just chilling looking and petting the cat. Today is going to be better. I am not going to ruin how far we came becuase I am having apprehensions. On other news...Ashleigh is doing so well at her reading. She just LOVES it! She has also taken a strong interest in Electricity. I prinited some stuff off of http://www.enchantedlearning.com and were going to go through it today...maybe look up some info in our books. We just got a year membershiop at enchanted learning. Were loving it! The amount of passions and crafts my kids want to do , its a great resource to have. Tyler is doing alot of watching TV , and playing video games. Perhaps thats why I am having my little freak out. He is doing so much with it though. He is looking up cheat sheets, reading them, figuring out puzzles. I need to spaz the heck down and relax...get my ouw interests. Heather is being little heather. She just loves so much to play...its amazing to watch. Oliver is crawling all over the place! He is already 7 months old! Can you believe it!! Its amazing to me how fast the time goes.
I need to remind myself daily to JUST RELAX. I have taken to looking on http://www.unschooling.com every morning just to get my dose of , YES I CAN DO THIS! We went yesterday and looked at the beaver dam we have been keeping track of. It looks like the beavers have been trapped and people have destroyed their dam. I understand why it had to be done, but it is still upsetting. We have followed this beaver family for over a year..
Anyway, the day is waiting..
The Walkers